Tools for getting out of debt


Getting out of debt is easy, stop spending and pay off your bills.  The overweight person gets very similar advice: eat less and exercise.  They are both pieces of good advice, but they rarely work all by themselves because we are creatures of habit, whether it’s spending or eating.  So here are my twin tools for helping you with the debt issue (for the dieting part, you’re on your own.)

First, get a copy of Dave Ramsey’s book    “The Total Money Makeover.”  It’s a virtual 12 step process designed to get you debt free and build wealth.  The book costs about $25.00 and is worth every penny.  Dave Ramsey has built a business around personal finance advice that includes books, a radio program and courses that are being offered throughout the country.  The course is offered by many churches and is both entertaining and filled with outstanding information.

Second, if you have a computer, get a copy of “Quicken.”  It is the number 1 selling personal finance software.  If you are in debt you have to know where your money is going before you can fix your problem.  Quicken allows you track every penny that you spend.  In addition it makes balancing your checkbook a snap and has other features that are useful once you begin to accumulate wealth.  The program costs less than $50.

Arie J. Korving, CFP Co-founder, Korving & Company 3


Arie J. Korving, a CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™ professional, has been delivering customized wealth management solutions to his clients for more than three decades. Prior to co-founding Korving & Company, he was First Vice President with UBS Wealth Management and held management positions with General Electric.

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